As of the 8th of June, we were finally allowed to reopen our doors and once again care for our loyal patients. Here at St.James Dental, we take great pride in caring for your health and well-being, and we found it particularly hard not being allowed to see you or manage your dental emergencies during the practice closure.
Although we are open for business, we have introduced some new measures to ensure your safety and that of our staff. We want you to be confident that you can visit us safely, in the knowledge that we are adhering to all Covid-19 safety guidelines and will continue to remain up to date as these guidelines evolve.
You will know that these are rapidly changing times, and it is important for us to communicate any new changes with you as quickly as we can. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for regular updates and visit the website for further information.
In the lead up to your appointment, you will receive an email outlining some of the new changes at the practice. We will also call you to carry out routine Covid-19 screening, and check that you are safe to attend. If you are ‘shielding’, please let us know so we can book your appointment at the start of the day. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Before you set off for your appointment, please use the bathroom and brush your teeth at home. Our facilities will only be available for emergencies.
Please bring as few belongings as possible with you and wear a face mask or face covering. When you arrive at the practice, you will be asked to wait outside until a member of staff is ready for you.
When you enter the practice, we will take your temperature and ask you to sanitise your hands. You will be accompanied to the waiting area and assigned a seat in line with social distancing guidelines. Barrier screens have been installed in the reception area with our normal friendly reception team sat behind.
Once you enter the treatment room, you will receive further guidance from your normal treating dentist. During treatment, your dentist and the dental nurse will be wearing enhanced PPE. The treatment will be provided with the same care and attention as always.
After your appointment, you will be escorted back to the reception area. Please pay by card or contactless payments (we now accept Apple Pay). Any further appointments will be booked as usual.
The treatment room will need to be left empty for a certain period of time after your appointment. This ‘fallow time’ will depend on a number of factors and may be different for every treatment. This gives us the time to carry out rigorous cleaning of the treatment room to protect all of our patients.
We are passionate about excellent customer service and high-quality dentistry and have made these changes to ensure everyone’s safety. Please note that WE WILL NOT be passing on any additional costs related to PPE or extended cleaning times. We are simply doing what we feel is necessary given the current times.
We are contacting all of those patients that we had to cancel appointments for during practice closure. If you have not yet heard from us and would like to get in touch, please call us on 01452 727667. If you find that the lines are busy, why not email us instead on [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
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