According to the poet T.S. Eliot, ‘April is the cruelest month’, and it has certainly proven to be this year. Just as the natural world springs to life, with bulbs and flowers beginning to bloom and lawns needing to be cut, we have all had to self isolate, close ourselves away and stay at home. It is a strange and difficult time but the brighter skies, the sunshine, the warmth that has returned and the natural beauty of the world all around, reminding us of the rhythm of the seasons, and like everything else, all of this will pass.
This month St.James Dental celebrates its thirty-fifth anniversary of caring for our patients, our local community, our staff, our families and friends. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of our patients for putting their trust in us and showing us the most incredible support over the years…it has been a privilege to care for you. To all of our wonderful staff, we thank you for your continued dedication and expertise.
I can’t begin to describe the emotions that we as a team have been through having to close our doors, albeit temporarily. We are currently exploring the possibility of being a designated Urgent Dental Care Center, which will allow us to re-open our doors for severe dental emergencies, not only for our own patients but for the wider community. This can only happen with special permission and the appropriate supply of PPE – unfortunately, dental procedures carry a significantly high risk of transmitting COVID-19 to dentists and their nurses.
Our thoughts are with those who have suffered from Coronavirus, and the families and friends who have lost loved ones. It is imperative that all of us act collectively and responsibly to stay at home, protect the NHS and all our key workers to save lives. Only in this way, can life return to some form of normality as soon as possible, and we can once more enjoy happier times.
St.James Dental has been privileged and fortunate to care for so many patients over the years, and we look forward to many more years to come after this crisis is over. Keep safe, stay at home, stay well, and take care of yourselves.
Partners of St.James Dental
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