Do you have unwanted lines and wrinkles around your eyes and mouth? Do your eyes look tired and does lipstick ‘bleed’ into the wrinkles around your lips? Have you noticed drooping of your eyelids and neck or do you have skin tags and Milia that you want removed but don’t like the idea of surgery to treat it? Here at St.James Dental we are very excited to offer a new non-surgical approach to manage all of these concerns, with innovative plasma skin tightening techniques using a plasmapen.
Plasma is a relatively new innovation in the aesthetic industry. The device works by ionising the gas particles in the air between its tip and the skin to form plasma, and can be seen as an electrical arch. The top layer of the skin is destroyed in a safe and efficient way, resulting in tighter skin. It can be used to treat specific areas of concern without damaging the surrounding tissues or applying unwanted heat.
Following the treatment you will find you have small red or brown dots that appear on your skin where the shots have been fired. You may experience swelling in the first 2 to 3 days after the procedure. The area may feel hot and you may experience a burning sensation immediately afterwards. Your skin will be tender for a few days, so you will need to be delicate and keep the area clean and dry. Do not pick or pull at any scabs, as you risk scarring the area – you must leave the scabs to fall off naturally. You must wear a high protection sunscreen whilst the area is healing.
Results vary depending on elasticity of the skin, the size of the area being treated and general health of the patient. The skin should tighten and you will see a reduction in skin folds and lines. The results are permanent but your skin will continue to age naturally.
You will see improvements in your skin after one treatment, but best results are achieved from at least two treatments. We recommend at least 6 weeks between treatments.
You may experience a burning or hot sensation after the treatment, so you may need to apply a cooling pack to help with discomfort. If it is particularly painful or persists for a while, you can take anti-inflammatory medications to help. You will need to keep the area clean and dry, and you can apply makeup 24 hours after treatment. Do not expose your skin to particularly hot or cold temperatures, and protect the treated area with sunscreen until it is healed. The scabs will usually fall off within 7 to 10 days, and new fresh pink skin will be visible.
You must not pick at the scabs or you may risk infection and scarring. There is minimal recovery time so you can go about your daily activities as normal. You may wish for someone to drive for you on the day if you have an upper eyelid procedure.
For more information, please contact our patient coordinator, Jaime, on 01452 727 665 or [email protected].
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