We have moved straight on with the refurbishment of the rest of the practice. Firstly, replacing the old loft insulation which was tired and insufficient to meet modern environmental regulations.
The old staff room has been converted to a new modern administration office to accommodate the growing management and administration team who work busily in the background (pictures to follow soon), coffee station and a dedicated hygienist sterilisation room to better serve the increasing workload.
We are delighted to announce the addition of two new hygienists in September with Alana stepping back for maternity leave.
The ten velux windows upstairs were needing replacing and have allowed us to redecorate Ewa’s room and allow new floor coverings and dental chair in Karen’s in the coming weeks.
Surgery 5 – has been gutted ready for a complete makeover with a new concept of surgery design being fitted in July. Chavdar has waited patiently for the new top of the range equipment which will make his working week less stressful and far more ergonomic. This design will be used as the basis for the foreseeable future as we work our way through all the remaining surgeries.
New signage, redecoration, and enhanced roles for staff are all ongoing as we seek to improve our care and client services. We are always looking to develop every aspect of St.James Dental to better serve the community we care for.
Be reassured we will always remain at heart an independent, family owned, family orientated dental practice with the sole purpose of offering the highest possible level of care and attention to you and your family.
We offer free discussions to talk through your options and determine what treatment is the most suitable for you.
For more information, please contact our patient coordinator, Jaime, on 01452 727 665 or by emailing us at [email protected]
Did you know that we offer care plans through Denplan?